Product Details
- Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces
- Constructed of poplar wood, waterproofed with a “green” water-based lacquer
- Metal blade deign is exclusive to SleekEZ
Now available are the 2.5-inch SleekEZ grooming blades for cats! Or use thison your horses’ legs or face, or on small dogs. Same concept, just smallersize.We, who know cats, know that they love to groom themselves and eachother. Our exclusive blade is comprised of tiny teeth that mimic the cat’s ownbarbed tongue producing a calming effect as you groom your cat. We haveactually had customers report to us that cats that are near wild quicklybefriend those who use the SleekEZ on their coat. It works like a “bionic cattongue” removing shedding fur, reducing hairball hacking, and also cleaningkitty fur off many types of upholstery.Your cat will love it and so will you!