5 Horizontal (Side Mount) Poultry Nipples
Product Details
- Item Weight: 5 ounces
- Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces
- Item model number: 1004
- Horizontal installation of a drinker nipple for poultry
Poultry Waterer – Drinker Everyone is looking for a quick and simple way tokeep their poultry watered. Many folks have the talent and skills to make awaterer / drinker for their chickens but need a bit of help in locating theperfect parts. Well here they are! A lot less wet litter inside your coop ifyou keep your water inside! All you’ll need for installing the watering nippleis an 11/32 drill bit. The nipple assembly screws right into your container,so additional tools will NOT be needed. Drill a hole a few inches up from thebottom of the container. Screw the threaded chicken nipple directly into thehole. Screw in the threaded chicken nipple so that when you are finished thenipple tray is in the 6 o’clock position. The chicken nipple will come to youalready assembled! The exploded view may help you to understand how it works.In the resting position the black o-ring (on the far right) seals the poultrynipple. Poultry pushes on spring loaded rod far enough to let water flow out.Many other nipples retain water inside of them. Nipples that retain water aremore likely to freeze in winter months. If you keep your water warm then itshould be able to flow even in freezing temps. Poultry bucket waterer /drinker with nipples installed on the side To locate buckets close to you trylooking on Craigslist for your area. Notice how this bucket can be sittingdirectly on the ground for refilling and cleaning? What other nipplewaterer/drinker allows you to do that? The experts suggest 5 birds per nipple.They also state that the poultry should be reaching up so there is less wastedwater as they don’t have to twist their neck to drink. Placing the containerup on cinder blocks will get it to a good working height.