I Spy Treasure Hunt Deluxe v2.0 w/I SPY Book & Bonus Mini CD-Rom [Old Version]
Product Details
- Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces
- Domestic Shipping: Item can be shipped within U.S.
- Item model number: 41911
- Embark on an adventure to Smuggler’s Cove
- Uncover pieces of 3 mysterious treasure maps
- Search out hidden treasures
- Solve riddles at unique locations
- Use critical thinking skills
- Embark on an adventure to Smuggler’s Cove
- Uncover pieces of 3 mysterious treasure maps
- Search out hidden treasures
- Solve riddles at unique locations
- Use critical thinking skills
OCEANAIR SFSS SKYSCREEN SIZE 60 BEIGE LEWMAR 60 20X20 SQ Pirate’s plunder rewards players who discover all of the hiddenobjects and decipher the riddles in I Spy Treasure Hunt. But there’s also abounty of booty on the path to that treasure as players discover thiscaptivating world where closer inspection invariably reveals a new surprise.This program is based on the award-winning I Spy books written by JeanMarzollo and photo-illustrated by Walter Wick. From the very beginning, thisprogram immerses players, just as the books do: as a train pulls into thestation in the town of Smuggler’s Cove, the point-of-view is from inside thepassenger car, looking out the window. Once off the train, this quaint seasidetown with a secret is yours to explore. Potential riddle spots revealthemselves when a cursor sweep causes an object to respond with movement andsound. A tackle box, a deserted ruin, and a lighthouse are just a few of the20 spots ripe for discovery. Scenes change swiftly, considering the vastamount of detail each contains. When explorers find a riddle area, a clutteredpanorama appears onscreen and a child’s voice reads the sentence below thatalways begins with the phrase “I spy….” Then players must find and click onthe objects listed in the sentence. This isn’t as easy as it seems; forexample, finding three “fours” sounds simple, right? But the task gets complexwhen one numeral is hidden in the grain of a wooden tabletop, the other iswritten out in letters on a menu, and the third is a pair of dice showing athree and a one. Successfully finding all the “I Spy” items in a scene yieldsa scrap of a treasure map. But building the map doesn’t automatically revealthe treasure–that’d be out of keeping with this game’s complex character.There are three different treasure-hunting scenarios, and each requiresgathering a completely different set of clues around the town of Smuggler’sCove. The attention to detail that the books are famous for is abundantlypresent here: sound permeates the different “sets,” from waves breaking on theshore, to the slow tick of a clock in the general store. Find and click on askull-and-crossbones–it scowls and growls. Find and click on an oil lamp–itflares up briefly and then goes out with a delicate puff of smoke. And no, youcan’t cheat by just holding down the mouse button and scanning over a picturehoping to hit a required item. I Spy Treasure Hunt is a wonderfully absorbingprogram that slyly sneaks in a vast amount of learning. Mapping, reading,rhyming, and problem solving occur incidentally as players are drawn into themysteries of Smuggler’s Cove. And it’s the only program we’ve ever encounteredthat elegantly illustrates that “four” and “4” and “.” + “…” all equal thesame thing. (Ages 6 to 10) –Anne Erickson