The key for any turmeric supplement is the amount ofcurcuminoids it has. Many brands will advertise they contain 95% curcuminoids.What you need to know is how much of this specific ingredient is actually inthe supplement! If you see a product that has mostly turmeric root powder,please be advised that turmeric root powder only has 2-4% curcuminoids. Ifthey only use 100-150mg of 95% curcuminoids, this is not enough! Me FirstLiving Turmeric Curcumin contains 1000 mg of 95% curcuminoids making it 19Xmore potent and more effective than most turmeric supplements available!Please remember, you get what you pay for when it comes to supplements. If yousee a turmeric supplement that is cheap, please check the SFP (SupplementFacts Panel) because odds are, they’re filling it with cheap ingredients!Furthermore, Me First Living Turmeric Curcumin Supplement contains 10 mg ofBioperine (black pepper extract, much better than black pepper and much easieron your system) which has been shown to increase absorption by up to 2,000%!Remember, without this, you won’t be able to absorb the turmeric! Reasons tochoose Me First Living Turmeric Curcumin Premium Supplement: Me First LivingTurmeric contains 1000 MG of 95% Curcuminoids. Most brands only contain100-150 MG of this VITAL ingredient! Turmeric has extremely poor absorptionwhich means it is nearly impossible for the body to absorb on its own. Ourformula introduces Bioperine which has been shown to increase thebioavailability or absorption of turmeric by up to 2,000%. IMPORTANT OurTurmeric Curcumin supplement contains nearly no oxalic acid. Turmeric rootpowder has been found to contain a significant amount of oxalates whichincreases the risks of kidney stones in some people. We’ve had our turmericsupplement tested by an independent, third party lab to verify that theturmeric extract in Me First Living Turmeric Curcumin Supplement supplementdoes not contain oxalic acid posing a potential risk to our customers. If youfind a supplement that contains Turmeric Root Powder, you run the risk ofkidney stones. Independent third party testedFormulated using only the highestquality, all natural ingredientsContains no preservatives & no magnesiumstearateVegan friendly formula, Non-GMO, Organic TurmericMade in the UnitedStatesMade in an FDA Regulated, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) CertifiedFacility The Benefits of Me First Living Standardized Turmeric Extract 95%Curcuminoids with Bioperine are Massive Proven Ingredients for AmazingResults! Majority of turmeric supplements on the market advertise the factthat they contain standardized 95% curcuminoids and while they aren’tcompletely lying, they sure are stretching the truth! The reason you take aturmeric supplement is to get the key ingredient curcumin and while organicturmeric root powder isn’t bad, it’s nowhere near as effective as standardizedturmeric extract with 95% curcuminoids. Here’s why. Turmeric root powdercontains about 2-4% curcuminoids, remember, curcumin is the KEY activeingredient that you look for. Now compare that to standardized turmericextract which contains 95% curcuminoids. This formula is almost 19 times moreeffective! Combine this with Bioperine (or black pepper) for absorption, andyou have a much more powerful turmeric supplement than ANY turmeric supplementcontaining Turmeric Root Powder! If you’re looking for RESULTS, you want 1000mg of Standardized Turmeric Extract (95% Curcuminoids) per serving and be SUREit includes Bioperine because if it doesn’t, you won’t be able to absorb anyof the curcumin! 1000 MG of 95 % Curcuminoids This is what separates ourformula from the rest! If you’re looking for a turmeric supplement that getsresults, we challenge you to find another supplement that contains 1000 mg of95% curcuminoids! 10 MG of Bioperine Bioperine is crucial for allowingcurcuminoids to be absorbed into your system. Bioperine is black pepperextract. This means we have all of the benefits of black pepper without thenegatives! Standardized Turmeric Extract VS Turmeric Root Powder If you’rethinking of buying a turmeric supplement that contains turmeric root powder,you might as well save your money. Turmeric root powder contains 2-4%curcuminoids meaning you won’t feel any difference. Our supplement containsStandardized Turmeric Extract 95% curcuminoids making it almost 20X morepotent than others! Read more 3rd Party Lab Tested Me First Living TurmericCurcumin with Bioperine supplement has been independently tested by a thirdparty laboratory to verify purity, 95% curcuminoids, exclusion of heavymetals, salmonella and more. Manufactured in the USA Our organic TurmericCurcumin with Bioperine supplement is encapsulated and manufactured in the USAwith pride! Gluten Free Turmeric Our Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperinesupplement has been lab tested to verify it is gluten free! Good ManufacturingPractice Facility Our Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine supplement has beenproducts in a cGMP compliant and FDA registered facility to ensure safety andpurity. Read more Real Results You Will Feel When You Chose The Right TurmericCurcumin Supplement, You’ll Feel The Benefits 1. Anti-Inflammatory PropertiesHelp Reduce Joint Pain and Arthritis | Whether you’re suffering fromosteoarthritis or mild to moderate joint pain, people who use turmeric haveshown a huge success in combating their chronic pain. In fact, there are manybenefits that turmeric can have for your chronic joint pain or arthritisthanks to Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory properties, which rival that of modernNSAID medications. 2. Boosts Your Immune System with Powerful AntioxidantProperties | Turmeric “ or rather, the curcuminoids in Turmeric “ has commonlybeen used to stimulate and strengthen the immune system. What does that mean,though? Curcumin extract won’t only help prevent you from catching a cold, butit will also help you recover if you do catch one. 3. Reduces Your Risk forAlzheimer’s and Cognitive Decline | Long-term use of Curcumin has been shownto start repairing affected brain connections in lab mice. Curcumin has alsobeen shown to fight against free radicals and cell oxidation. 4. Boosts YourMood and Fights Symptoms of Depression | Curcumin extract has been proven toalleviate stress levels through regulating and balancing our hormones. Itmakes sense that since high stress levels can aggravate depression, anxiety,and other health conditions, that Curcumin would also help regulate yourbrain’s hormones. 5. Reduces Brain Fog and Helps You Maintain Mental Clarity |Curcumin extract has been shown to improve your cognitive function and reduceyour risk of future cognitive decline when taken on a regular basis byreducing inflammation in the brain. 6. Fights Oxidative Stress and OtherCauses of Premature Aging | Studies on Curcumin extract has shown evidencethat it actively fights these free radicals and repairs oxidative stress,helping prevent and even potentially repair signs of premature aging and age-related cell trauma. 7. Reduces Your Risk of Heart Attack and OtherCardiovascular Diseases | Heart disease and other cardiovascular troubles area very real threat, especially if you’re at a high risk or maintain astressful lifestyle with poor nutrition. Luckily, however, Curcumin extracthas shown to have cardiovascular protective qualities, meaning it will helpyour heart (and surrounding organs and tissue) stay resilient to damage. 8.Helps Control Diabetes | Researchers have found great news when it comes toCurcumin’s relationship with Type II Diabetes. Many studies have concludedthat Curcumin extract is very effective in controlling Diabetes. Curcumin hasbeen shown to not only aid glucose control but also increase the effectivenessof many diabetes medications
- 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE – We remove the risk so you can focus on improving your quality of life with our Premium Turmeric Curcumin supplement!
- 20X MORE EFFECTIVE – Our Turmeric Curcumin supplement contains 1000 mg of 95% curcuminoids when most other turmeric supplements only contain 100-150 mg of this vital ingredient. Remember, a cheap supplement is made with cheap ingredients!
- ENHANCED BIOAVAILIBILITY – 10 mg of Bioperine (Black pepper extract, more effective), our turmeric supplement increases absorption by up to 2000%
- REAL INGREDIENTS DELIVER REAL RESULTS – Organic Turmeric, Gluten free, Vegan friendly, Non-GMO and GMP Certified manufacturing
- COMMON NAMES: There are many different ways people try to spell or pronounce Turmeric Curcumin. Here are some common misspellings: tucmeric tumeri turmericcurcumin tumeroc turemic turmer termeric turneric trumeric tmeric tumerica tumuric tomeric tumerico tuneric tumetric tumericx timetric turmeic tumerik turmerik tumerick turmericx cucurmin circumin cucumin curamin curumin cur-cumin cur cumin curculin curcuwin curcurmin curcuminoids curcuminoid longa bioprene pepperine peperine piperin
Product Details:
- Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces
- UPC: 700814449988
- Item model number: No Model
- #23 in Turmeric Herbal Supplements
Mpn | No Model |
Upc | 700814449988 |
Ean | 700814449988 |
Brand | Me First Living |
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