Dried Galangal 2 Oz
Product Details
Size: 2 oz
Brand: TastePadThai
UPC: 880394070311
- Shipping Weight: 4 ounces
- UPC: 880394070311 692363100390
- 2 oz. Dried Galangal
- Ship fast from California.
Size: 2 oz Before use, soak dried galangal slices in water first for 30 minutes or untilsoftened. The taste of the dried slices galangal once rehydrated approachesthat of the freshness. Galangal has a strong, aromatic, punchy flavor that canbe overwhelming, so use the root sparingly. When cooked, galangal does notsoften; it should be either left in large slices so it can be strained priorto serving or very finely chopped so the texture does not interfere with theresulting dish. To infuse soups, stews or teas with galangal, cut intoquarter-inch-thick slices, simmer over low heat then strain prior to serving.A slice or two of galangal perks up plain steamed rice. For curry pastes, chopfinely, and then mash with the other flavorings in a blender or with a mortarand pestle. (It is essential for Thai curry pastes, where it does not get lostamong the pronounced flavors of lemongrass, chili peppers and dried shrimp.)Galangal is often used by Chinese, Indian and European physicians to treat thehiccups, nausea and other stomach discomforts.