Not Available for Shipping to Hawaii or Puerto Rico. Package contains a mix ofNematode species: Steinernema feltiae Fungus Gnat Exterminator. Attacks:Armyworms, Artichoke Plume Moths, Bad Nematodes, Beet Armyworms, BlackCutworms, Bluegrass Weevils, Cabbage Maggots, Carpenter Worms, Chinch Bugs,Codling Moths, Corn Borers, Corn Earworms, Crane Fly Larvae, Cucumber Beetles,Cutworms, Fall Armyworms, Fire Ants, Fly Larvae, Fruit Flies, Fungus Gnats,Girdlers, Gypsy Moths, Humpbacked Flies, Hylobius Weevils, June Bugs, LeafMiners, Mint Borers, Mole Crickets, Navel Orange Worms, Onion Maggots, PineWeevils, Poplar Clear Wig, Borers, Roaches (American, Asian, German),RootAphids, Rootknot Galls, Scarab Grubs, Sclarids, Shore Flies, Sod Webworms,Squash Vine Borer Larvae, Subterranean Termites, Thrips, Ticks, TobaccoBudworms, Tobacco Cutworms, and More! These microscopic round worms attackover 200 species of soil pests! Simply add water and release with a wateringcan, hose end sprayer or other apparatus. Complete instructions included.Nematodes actively hunt for insect larvae, entering through natural bodyopenings. Once inside the larvae, the nematode excretes bacteria from itsdigestive tract before it starts to feed and multiply. Within a few days thepest will change color and die. The nematodes multiply and develop within thedieing insect, before leaving the old host to hunt for more pests. As thenumber of pests decrease, so will the nematode population. For this reasonseasonal releases are recommended. Storage Storage temperature 36-45ËšF. DO NOTFREEZE Store unactivated nematodes for up to 30 days. Once activated nematodesmust be released within 6 hours. Store nematodes in the dark. EnvironmentalConditions Nematodes are susceptible to ultraviolet light (UV). Nematodes aresusceptible to various chemical pesticides. Use caution when treating otherdiseases and pests. For optimal results, the ground surface should be moist.
- Beneficial Nematodes are a natural and effective way to control soil pest without using harsh chemicals.
- Beneficial Nematodes are microscopic round worms that attack over 200 different species of soil pests.
- Easy to apply and Harmless to humans and pets.
- Our Live Beneficial Nematodes are Guaranteed Fresh and Alive!
- Treats up to 3,000 Sq. Ft. Depending on Infestation.
Product Details:
- Shipping Information: View shipping rates and policies
- Manufacturer: Nature’s Good Guys