Britax Boulevard ClickTight Anti-Rebound Bar Convertible Car Seat, Circa
Product Details

- ClickTight Installation System is the safest and simplest technology on the market. Open the front of the car seat, feed the seatbelt through the indicated path, and click the seat shut. That’s all you need to do for rock-solid installation.
- SafeCell Impact Protection is a safety system including a steel frame, energy-absorbing base, V-shaped tether to minimize seat rotation, and staged-release stitches that slow and reduce forward movement during a crash.
- 2 layers of side impact protection, formed by a deep foam-lined shell and quick-adjust head protection, absorbs energy and shields your child from the most dangerous type of collision.
- Anti-Rebound Bar minimizes forces associated with crashes by stabilizing the car seat when installed rear-facing.
- Click & Safe Snug Harness Indicator gives an audible “click” to aid you in the proper tightening of your child’s harness.
The Boulevard ClickTight Anti-Rebound Bar (ARB) features the revolutionaryClickTight Installation System, leaving you with no doubt the seat iscorrectly installed. It’s as simple as buckling a seatbelt. Just open thefront of the seat, feed the seatbelt through the indicated path, buckle it,click the seat shut, and secure the tether. Britax designed the BoulevardClickTight Anti-Rebound Bar (ARB) with 2 strong layers of side energyabsorption. A deep foam-lined shell and quick-adjust head protection shieldyour child from side impacts. The Boulevard ClickTight Anti-Rebound Bar (ARB)also features SafeCell Impact Protection, an innovative safety system foundonly in Britax car seats. These features include a steel frame, energy-absorbing base, V-shaped tether to minimize seat rotation and staged-releasestitches that slow and reduce forward movement during a crash. The Anti-Rebound Bar (ARB) minimizes forces associated with crashes by stabilizing thecar seat when installed rear-facing. The Britax-patented Click & Safe SnugHarness Indicator takes the guesswork out of seating your little one, lettingyou know that your child’s harness is within range of proper tightness with aclick. The easy-adjust harness grows along with your child with 14 differentpositions. Change the height of the seat with just the push of a button – noinconvenient rethreading necessary. This car seat is proudly engineered,tested and built in the USA with global components, so you can count onunparalleled safety and quality.